A Chance Discovery

I first came across EFT in around 2004 after I went looking for a way to help myself.
At that time of my life I started having panic attacks, which had come about due to a build up of life experiences which I hadn't successfully dealt with.
Naturally I went in search of help using conventional therapies. However I was forced into the realization that I was going to have to overcome the panic attacks on my own after being told by a psychologist that there was nothing else that she could do for me (as after many visits I had exhausted that avenue). In fact she told me I had to learn to live with my panic attacks.
When conventional therapy failed I was forced to look for a way to heal myself
Eventually after months of looking and going down other alternate routes I stumbled across EFT; it seemed to have a glimpse of hope. After a lot of tapping and a lot of personal effort I was able to completely overcome these crippling effects brought on by panic attacks.
My own personal success with EFT soon dribbled over into the lives of others around me. I soon found opportunities to use EFT with family and friends.
To this day I haven't lost my enjoyment with EFT, I am still as excited to use EFT with a new client as I was in those early days.
My Niece Bella
I once helped my 8 year old niece let go of the pain of seeing her mum and dad hug new kids that came with their new partners after her parents had separated. For her this was huge, this was causing her so much torment, so many mixed up feelings that she was now a walking wreck.
Inside she felt like mum and dad loved these new kids more than her. Of course I knew this wasn't true, but the tears flowed, the pain came out, and after about 10 minutes she was back to her normal old self; "laughing with me and having fun"
it doesn't get any better than that..
Child Abuse - Amazing Result
I remember a girl came to see me recently. She was 18 years old and had gone through some traumatic sexual abuse in her early teens. For the most part she said she was Ok and had been able to deal with it after counseling. However she said that there were some trigger words that always seemed to bring everything back up, and these were words she bumped into all the time.
We started our first session with the knowledge that it might take several sessions for her to completely let go (I always tell clients to expect more than one session, this avoids anyone expecting quick fixes and unrealistic expectations).
About 15 minutes into the session she stopped and looked at me and said "what did you just do". I looked and said what do you mean, she said "its all gone, the trigger words don't bother me now, I can think about everything and none of it bothers me".
Such is the power of EFT, I know its not me, I am just a tool that stands between the client and their emotions, but its these types of wonderful experiences that keep me going.
But EFT Is Not Always As Fast
EFT is not always going to be as fast as the session I mentioned above, in fact I normally tell clients that it might take more than one session, and many times it does.. But the point is this; it doesn't matter how big or small your problem seems to you, and it doesn't matter how long you have been suffering from them, I know EFT can help..
So if your looking for an experienced EFT Practitioner then maybe I can help.
With over 9 years of EFT experience I can help you to release your negative emotions. Please don't worry about how distressing, embarrassing or how negative the emotion might be, as I have helped many individuals from all walks of life overcome some of their most distressing emotions.
Visit me at my Private EFT Practitioner Website at www.EFTEnergy.com
Or email via this site: john@emotionalfreedomtechniques.net
I am located in Brisbane Australia and offer both face to face and Skype EFT Sessions, so it doesn't matter where you are in the world as I can help..

Some Areas of Success with EFT
- Fears & Phobias
- Lack of Self Worth
- Rape & Abuse
- Childhood Trauma
- Grief and Sadness
- Powerlessness
- Abuse - Physical/Mental
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress)
- Childhood Memories
- Child Abuse
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Any Negative Emotion
Grab My New Book
The one thing that has come up time and time again from users of EFT is how difficult it has been to create personal scripts. Traditional EFT is very clinical, and as such the creation of personal scripts also tend to be just as clinical; where all the problems come from.
During my early days long before becoming an EFT Practitioner, I developed my own way of creating and using personal scripts. it is by no way conventional, and until someone actually puts it to use they usually tell me that this won't work. I am yet to find an individual who cannot create successful working scripts with this method of script development.
I have taught this method of script creation to clients and other practitioners during the past decade, with pronominal success.
So if your looking for a way to create successful personal scripts then why not grab a copy of the book: