Not Good Enough

As humans we pick up on the words others tell us and internalize the things said to us as a young child, and as such this can all form a picture of how we see ourselves. We as children then carry this forward with us into adulthood, and as these thoughts grow in our minds we develop a reoccurring pattern of feelings of unworthiness or worthlessness.
You are good enough just as you are, nature never makes any rejects. You are perfect as you are else you would not have been born into this world; I am good enough just as I am.
EFT Script for Not Feeling Good Enough
Tap on the Karate Chop point whilst saying the following:
Setup: |
Even though I am not good enough the way I am, and I have never been good enough, I love accept and forgive myself |
Even though I don’t believe that I have ever been good enough, and I don’t believe I will ever be good enough, I deeply and completely love accept and forgive myself |
Even though I was told I was not good enough, and that I would never be good enough, and I believed I was never enough, and that I will never amount to anything, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway |
Even though I was made to feel small, small and insignificant, like I didn't matter, and I will never matter, I'm not good enough, I deeply and completely love accept and forgive myself. |
Tap on each point approx 5 times whilst saying the following:
Round 1 |
I am not enough, I am not good enough |
I have never been good enough |
There is something wrong with me |
I will never be good enough |
I was told that I will never be enough |
I have always felt like I am not enough |
I believe that I am not good enough |
I believe that I will never be good enough |
Round 2 |
I am not good enough |
My teacher told me I was not good enough |
My school work was never good enough |
I was never as good as anyone else |
I was never as good as my friends |
So I am not good enough |
I will never be good enough |
my parents told me I am not good enough |
Round 3 |
I was made to feel like I am not enough, not good enough to be me |
You can't have that, you have not been good enough |
I will never be good enough to get that |
I will never be able to afford that |
What makes you think your good enough |
What makes you think your good enough to deserve that |
I am no good, I will amount to nothing |
There is something wrong with me |
Round 4 |
But what if I am enough, what if I am good enough |
Don't kid yourself, your never going to be enough |
There is something wrong with you |
Who is ever going to want you the way you are |
What makes you think your good enough |
Your broken, a damaged child, nothing you do matters |
Who are you to accept anything else |
There is something wrong with me |
Round 5 |
But maybe I am good enough |
Don't kid yourself.... but what if I am enough |
What if what others made me believe isn't true |
However how am I going to know that.. they must be right they were in charge |
What if they were right about me |
What if there is something wrong with me, what if I don't really matter |
But what if there is nothing wrong with me |
What if I am good enough |
Round 6 |
But maybe I am good enough |
Maybe my parents, teachers, and those other bullies were ll wrong about me |
Who gave them the right to talk over me, to make me feel less |
I am good enough, I have always been good enough |
They were all wrong about me |
I have always been enough just as I am |
There is nothing wrong with me |
I am good enough just the way I am |
Tap again and again....
Come back in a few days and tap it again and again until you believe you have been able to release everything that this script has to offer you..