When performing the sequence you are repeating shorter comments and phrases at each of the meridian points. These comments and phrases are aimed towards the same topic used in the Setup.
To perform the "Sequence" you use two fingers (on either hand), and tap each meridian point about 5-7 times. Generally you use the two closest fingers to your thumb as these are the easiest to use for this process.
Again; when you tap you are taping firmly, not hard as to hurt yourself, and not soft like a feather. You don't have to count how many times you tap each point, simply tap at a steady pace and that will usually be ok, if you don't tap 5-7 times who cares.
At each of these meridian points you would tap whilst stating the offending emotion (and usually out aloud). This image shows the locations of these meridian points.
Locating the 6 facial points used in the sequence is easy; they are located exactly as found in the image above.
The Collar Bone Point is located just below the collar bone. Using your fingers, locate the point where both your collar bones come together in the middle, go down about 1 inch and then 1 inch over to the left or right, this is the general region where this meridian point is located.
The Under Arm point is in line with the nipple on men and at around the middle of the bra strap for women, or there about. You simple tap about the middle of your arm pit.
The point at the Top of Head is roughly around the crown area. Pick about a 100mm circle at the rear (crown) of the head and tap that circle.
You only need to use two fingers to tap on the 6 Meridian Points on the front of your face, as any more would probably get in the way.
The other meridian points (under arm, top of head and collar bone point) are usually tapped by using 4 fingers from one of your hands simply because it is much easier this way. Plus it ensures that you are getting as close to these meridian points as possible, as often you will be tapping a region and not necessarily spot on.
From experience; by using all 4 fingers of your hand you will almost be guaranteed of connecting with these additional meridian points with at least one of your fingers, or the vibrations from tapping will make contact with these points.
Tip: I also find that it can be a bit annoying to use the tips of the fingers. So I tap with the end of my fingers, almost at the point on the pad where the finger begins to curve at the end. I am using the pad of my fingers, but almost towards the tips. If I used the tips of my fingers my finger nails usually get in the way, so for those with long finger nails you will quickly understand what I am talking about.
Let's make some sense and summarize the EFT Tapping process.
Example Number 1 - The Basic and standard way of applying EFT
When you start tapping on a limiting belief or negative emotion you first start with the Setup. You begin to tap on the Karate Chop point whilst saying the Setup Statement (usually out aloud), and you repeat the setup phrase a minimum of 3 times whilst continuing to tap on the Karate Chop point.
A typical Setup Phrase might be:
"Even though I have a headache, I love and accept myself"
"Even though I have a headache, I love and accept myself"
"Even though I have a headache, I love and accept myself"
Then you complete the "Sequence" part of the EFT by tapping on the meridian points of the sequence approximately 5-7 times:
EB - "I have a headache"
SE - "I have a headache"
UE - "I have a headache"
UN - "I have a headache"
Ch - "I have a headache"
CB - "I have a headache"
UA - "I have a headache"
H - "I have a headache"
Example Number 2
It is also perfectly fine to become creative with EFT. You can mix it up during both the Setup and Sequence, but of course the different words and phrases need to be connected with the topic being tapped.
Lets use at the previous example of a typical EFT Script and see how you might be creative with the process.
It is not necessary to repeat each line 3 times, as you are still covering the 3 times rule because you are directing the setup at the same topic. All that is required is to tap the Karate Chop point whilst saying all 3 Lines:
"Even though I have a headache, I love and accept myself"
"Even though my head is hurting, I love and accept myself"
"Even though my head is pounding, I love and accept myself"
You then go straight into the sequence stage which can also be mixed up, but is still being aimed at the same topic:
EB - "My head hurts"
SE - "I have a headache"
UE - "My head is pounding"
UN - "It hurts so much"
Ch - "All this pain in my head"
CB - "This headache is killing me"
UA - "I am over it already"
H - "My headache hurts so much"
Words are the most important part of the EFT Tapping Process